Roland's wombat L2+ loop

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Adrian Adrian
Posts: 120
Joined: Wed Jun 15, 2022 1:12 am

Roland's wombat L2+ loop

Post by Adrian Adrian »

Thanks for a great ride Roland.
5 of us today with a couple of them sharing the sweeping (mostly hanging behind me). Those guys can ride, even that big blue 450 was playing around like it was a 125 on a bmx track!

Great tracks, a cool dark gully, and overall pretty much as advertised - level 2ish with some slippery rutted bits here and there.

As is the custom when out with the better riders, I took the opportunity to check the track edge softness every now and then -- can confirm at low speed Wombat tracks offer a safe day out

Glad I kept out of the puddles (esp those couple of serious ones!), even if it did slow us down a bit.

I peeled off a little early to save myself from a potential fatigue-induced brain fade. Hope the last 45min or so went well.

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